Sunday, April 22, 2012


There is no such thing as true freedom in todays world, we are in debt the moment we are born possibly even farther back to when we first became a single celled organism. No matter what those lightly powdered faces and carefully manicured nails of the government tell you, its all just about lining their pockets no mater who it is that they have to step on to get it, greed has infested the once shining halls of the white house and bred with lust, ignorance and blinded all those who have stepped into its yawning doors. (for an idea of how bad its getting ) However what we (much less the government) don't seem to understand is this:  the truth is nobody owes another person anything and no one owes us anything, at least nothing physical in the sense that everyone claims that they owe someone (pieces of paper or plastic or even a few pieces of shiny metal) or someone owes them that. we scramble, steal, fight and kill for these pathetic things that can easily be destroyed and seem to care for nothing else when all we ever really owe anyone or anyone's owes us comes down to two things. Trust, without it we're completely unable to do much of anything, EX: Credit, love, etc. However we mustn't forget the most important. Human decency, a simple thing that is slowly disappearing along with many of our memories and youth.

1 comment:

  1. Every one is facing debt now a days and wants
    debt relief.. You shared great post.
    keep posting
