Sunday, April 22, 2012

Innocence long lost

    One thing that has been troubling me recently is greed. No no not my greed but the worlds greed, our greed that has devoured all that is, or was, pure. When some one robs a bank we're willing to kill that person to get back a few measly pieces of paper, yet when a pervert cant keep their hands off of an innocent child we slap them on the wrist, give them three square meals a day and protect them from society behind metal bars and concrete slabs while the very people they victimized pay the taxes that pay for their luxuries. Monsters like that shouldn't be allowed to get away with that much less live. In todays society we have our values so screwed up its pathetic. Molesters, Rapists, Murders deserve to die not the men and woman so hungry for bits of paper and metal of all things fueled by the greed that the government breeds into us.

We're willing to kill some one that steals from us yet unwilling to defend innocence. Well if we're going to kill or punish everyone that steals from us driven buy the greed (or in rare cases need of the item they're taking) then what about the Government? The Banks? The lazy bums who sit at home all day popping out babies living on welfare? We put so much effort into gathering these things, and for what? To prove we're better? Surely not, if one wanted to prove they were a better human all they need do was walk down the street and help the family that has to ration the few slices of bread that they have for the week to accompany what ever small morsels to go with it. It doesn't even have to be food, what about cloths or a small donation to help them pay the bills? When we look at our neighbors or even other relative we only see a competition, a chance to prove we can get better or do better then them. We have no trust in each other or ourselves, only the images of who we or others want us to be. Its a terrible thing that in today's world we have to hide, destroy, forget ,deny, or sell the very thing that once gave us power and freedom in order to fit into others idea of what is right or what should be. We are so consumed with greed that we forget what really matters. Perhaps the only thing we need is to learn what that is and how to preserve that. Grapes of Wrath like so many other books so close to the truth out there has been despised by many and left in the dust like many of our own values. Perhaps if more people read it we could all see what really matters and perhaps restore innocence long lost to the rush of greed.

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