Sunday, April 22, 2012

For so long....

"With all the hatred in this world, in this good world, let us be kind to one another," Breuning, the world oldest man said when recently interviewed on his one-hundred and fourteenth birthday. A simple comment, or wish, that so many others hunger for. In this time we are surrounded by war not on just foreign soil over foreign politics but also on our home soil and our home politics. In the mornings and late afternoon as we watch the news and commercials we tend to forget about the 'small' battles that are faced every day on our own soil. As few people notice we too have many of the same problems our foreign friends do, a few examples are: hungry/homeless people due to the growing instability of the economy, corrupt government officials, declining values (ranging from moral/social to property), increasing population and decreasing space, increased crime, skyrocketing taxes for the lower and middle class (while as I stated earlier the upper class get a tax cut), rampant diseases, the list goes on and on yet people seem oblivious though its right beneath their noses. When we turn on the television we see commercial that bombard our nightly shows preaching (not just religiously) about how we need to support the troops (whom I've nothing against) while they fight a war over things in a foreign country that also happen in our country, or to (this ones my favorite) send so much money over to foreign orphans so they can be fed. My point is this: instead of belligerently invading other countries to 'help' them (even, no especially if they don't want it) while quietly swindling them, pushing our belies upon them and digging ourselves into a deeper money pit we should probably fix our problems first. What we are doing is the equivalent of a dysfunctional family that has an ever diminishing income going out and preaching to others, fighting others fights while destroying much of their homes and convincing them that they owe us money. Doesn't make much sense to me.

However moving on to this weeks question for the readers. One of the things I have been doing is reading others blogs to gain some useful insight on what others think of the way things are going about and though I didn't find a shortage of opinions, one of the more interesting sights I came across (not because I agree with it but solely because of the sett up and such) was One of of the interesting things I found there was this  "The more we become informed the greater will be the movement and end result in our war to oust the extremists, the impostors, the traitors that now reside in our  so called government. They have been elected to office by lies and fraudulent representations. Sooner than later they will pay the price. Don't give up Americans. " Which brings me to this weeks question. What do you think of the economy, how the government is handling things and of this article. Please don't P.C or censorship, tell me exactly what you think as you think it. I'm interested in what you have to say and why, I'll read every letter I receive as long as it isn't terribly dull and lacking actual proof or any intellectual weight.

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