Sunday, April 22, 2012

Selling It

Kate Gosselin, Nadya Suleman, the Duggers. these are just some of the people that sell themselves, their family and most disturbingly their children. reality T.V disgusts me.they cant get an actual job in the real world not because of the economy but because they've no real talent. if they were taken off the tv stations pay roll and the government assistance they receive they'd be dead in a month, they're leeching off of our checks and relying on our honest days work to get them through. if you cant pay for you and you're family to survive then try not to have so many children. i understand that yeah some families still cant stay afloat no matter what, both of my parents had two jobs when i was a kid, there was just me my sister and them and they worked hard to make what little they could and they still had to have help. that is acceptable however people like them and the people that pop out children so that they can sit on their buts all day long and receive government assistance and not work shouldn't be allowed to. you are not disabled if you can walk, you are not disable if you can drive, and you certainly aren't disabled if you can go fishing every day. you are only disabled if you're missing a limb or are mentally a vegetable if you are neither then you need to get back to work and stop selling it. youre stealing from mine and every other decent human being that works for a livings pay check. STOP BEING A LEECH.

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